C Windows Application

This is a windows application that demonstrates creating a GUI windows application.



The Recipe file that defines the sample application.

Name: 'Samples.C.WindowsApplication'
Language: 'C|0'
Type: 'Windows'
Version: '1.0.0'
Resources: 'WindowsProject.rc'
Source: [


The package lock that was generated to capture the unique dependencies required to build this project.

Version: 5
Closures: {
  Root: {
    C: {
      'Samples.C.WindowsApplication': { Version: '../WindowsApplication', Build: 'Build0', Tool: 'Tool0' }
  Build0: {
    Wren: {
      'mwasplund|Soup.C': { Version: '0.3.0' }
  Tool0: {
    'C++': {
      'mwasplund|copy': { Version: '1.1.0' }
      'mwasplund|mkdir': { Version: '1.1.0' }


The remaining content assumes that you are familiar with creating a windows applications. This is not meant as a windows tutorial and is only present as a sample of a more complex scenario for building within Soup.