Parse Json File

A console application that reads in a json file using the an external module and prints a single known property value.



The Recipe file that sets the standard name, type, version, as well as the single external dependency of the json11 project.

Name: 'Samples.Cpp.ParseJsonFile'
Language: 'C++|0'
Version: '1.0.0'
Type: 'Executable'
Source: [

Dependencies: {
  Runtime: [


The package lock that was generated to capture the unique dependencies required to build this project.

Version: 5
Closures: {
  Root: {
    'C++': {
      'mwasplund|json11': { Version: '1.1.1', Build: 'Build0', Tool: 'Tool0' }
      'Samples.Cpp.ParseJsonFile': { Version: '../ParseJsonFile', Build: 'Build0', Tool: 'Tool0' }
  Build0: {
    Wren: {
      'mwasplund|Soup.Cpp': { Version: '0.12.0' }
  Tool0: {
    'C++': {
      'mwasplund|copy': { Version: '1.1.0' }
      'mwasplund|mkdir': { Version: '1.1.0' }


A json file containing a single property containing a message for the application to print.

  "message": "Hello!"


A simple main method that reads the contents of a single json file, parses the json content and prints a single message from a known property.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>

import json11;

int main()
  // Read in the contents of the json file
  auto jsonFile = std::ifstream("./Message.json");
  auto jsonContent = std::string(

  // Parse the json
  std::string errorMessage;
  auto json = json11::Json::parse(jsonContent, errorMessage);

  // Print the single property value
  std::cout << "Message: " << json["message"].string_value() << std::endl;

  return 0;


A simple git ignore file to exclude all Soup build output.
